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North Dakota FFA State Star Award

ND Submission Deadline: April 1

Week of State Star Award Tour: April 22-26, 2025



An outstanding North Dakota FFA member applying for the State Degree can be presented a North Dakota Star Award based on an exceptional Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program and FFA involvement. There are four award areas that reflect the diversification of the supervised agricultural experience programs and FFA member populations in North Dakota. Members must apply for the State Degree and Star Award in the same year. Candidates are selected based on the quality of their State FFA Degree and State Star applications. SAE records must be a minimum of two years in the same area and include records in the previous year of the application year, ending on December 31.



A committee of judges scores every application in each star award area using the appropriate American Star Award rubric. Upon completion of all applications, judges select up to four finalists in each award area. Each finalist is awarded an onsite visit to their SAE location(s) for an additional evaluation and interview by a second team of judges. The annual winner in each star award area is selected from the four finalists.



A North Dakota Star Award is the highest award given in North Dakota FFA. Only four members are able to receive the award each year. State Star Award finalists are recognized on stage during the Wednesday night FFA State Convention session and presented a state finalist plaque. The winner is announced at that time and is presented with $1,000.00, a state winner plaque, and a traveling trophy.




State Star in Agribusiness

The State Star in Agribusiness is awarded to the FFA member with the top non-production entrepreneurial agribusiness supervised agricultural experience in North Dakota. The member must demonstrate outstanding achievement in an entrepreneurial agribusiness SAE that focuses on agricultural sales, service, or other entrepreneurial endeavors along with active participation in the FFA, and an exemplary scholastic record. Examples include but are not limited to, lawn care services, crop consulting services, and services marketing agricultural products.


State Star in Agricultural Placement

The State Star in Agricultural Placement is awarded to the FFA member with the top agricultural placement supervised agricultural experience in the North Dakota. The member must demonstrate outstanding achievement in an agricultural employment SAE, can include work-based learning, and does not have to be a paid position. However, the applicant must have enough earnings and investment from their SAE to qualify to receive the State FFA Degree, along with active participation in the FFA, and an exemplary scholastic record.


State Star in Agriscience

The State Star in Agriscience is awarded to the FFA member that demonstrates the top agriscience-based supervised agricultural experience in North Dakota. The member must demonstrate research aimed at developing a higher order of scientific knowledge and skills through their own actively engaged research, as well as those members who may be cooperating on research projects with others. The member must demonstrate outstanding achievement in agriscience, active FFA participation, and an exemplary scholastic record.


State Star Farmer

The State Star Farmer is awarded to the FFA member that demonstrates the top entrepreneurial agricultural production supervised agricultural experience in North Dakota. The member must demonstrate outstanding achievement in an entrepreneurial production agriculture SAE and active participation in the FFA, and an exemplary scholastic record.



Selection Process & Finalist Questions


Star Rubrics


State Star Finalists


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